EP 42: Choosing Theo by Victoria Aveline
well hello All You Beautiful
People you know what time it
is ladies and gents Guys and Dolls and
everyone in
between gather around get you something
real nice to sip on and comfy to slip
on cuz it's time for smut Club here's
your hosts chse and
Hannah hi everyone welcome to smut Club
hey y'all I'm Hannah D in Chelsea sorry
I'm laughing because Brandon doesn't
want to leave the room and my husband is
having to take more drastic measures to
get our dog to leave with him I was
about to say Brandon the Pug for anybody
who may not know Brandon's not a human
that is being harmed nor is Brandon the
Pug being harmed but no one is being
harmed human Kine there's there's no
animal cruelty happening here no no harm
of any kind We're All About Love obvious
but what a way to start story not that
it's animal cruelty but just no so a
long time ago I looked at Vance I like
Vance have you noticed how crooked
Brandon's teeth are oh my God
and he was
like I mean a little and I was like do
we need to look into canine braces and
Vance just looked at me and he's like I
want you to repeat those words back to
yourself and also absolutely not no no
we are not dropping what would be
several Grand on Brandon's teeth I'm
like he's a pug pugs are not they're
known for being Majestic in their own
right but like you're never
like this at those teeth yeah always
little goofy looking my pitbull also has
terrible teeth um and my husband calls
her the snaggle tooth princess because
every now and then she'll just get stuck
and her little teeth yes will poke out
and it's adorable it happens with
Brandon as well but it's honestly not as
cute I'm always like oh put that snaggle
mouth back yeah so there was a girl I
was friends with in Nashville when we
lived there years ago did she have knle
tooth how are we I'm interested in the
segue here wine teeth when you're like
do I have them currently you do not have
wine teeth right now um but I was
laughing cuz one night she's like
Chelsea do I have wine teeth but it was
like only one tooth and so I was like I
wouldn't say teeth but I would say you
have wine tooth and she's like what I'm
like ju it's just one you have you have
a wine tooth and so her name um is is
Morgan Dorset she had a roommate named
Morgan as well she went by Dory it was
super cute Dory D and so in my phone her
name was Dory wi
Toth and someone's like who's Dory wine
tooth I was like oh you know Morgan
Dorset and they're
like this is a big leap Chelsea like
like I'm sorry what right also what when
you were in like college did you ever
play that game where like someone would
go through your phone and choose a
random contact and call them and you'd
like have to try and get off the phone
fast I I had a contact and saved in my
phone as Skittle tit
Stewart someone was like we're going to
be calling her
immediately who is Skittle tit Stewart
well she didn't have skittle tits
anymore CU she got a boob job and and
then we threw her a boob job party oh it
makes sense yeah but you know I I feel
like boobjob parties are underrated yeah
I and I think this is like not
necessarily just related to boob jobs
but there's like so they're like oh yeah
you celebrate I think there's a lot of
conversations about this these days
right where like you celebrate when
someone has a baby when someone gets
engaged all of those things but like
there's not a lot of celebration of just
like single
milestones and so when you're like yeah
you bought a house like unless you're
having like a stock the bar or something
like that like but even at that it's
normally something that you're throwing
versus someone like you bought a house
we want to celebrate this with you yeah
um H why did I oh the boob jobs yeah
because I was like no you know what good
for you skittle tits yeah yeah you
wanted a boob job you went and got a
boob job now we're peanut &em tits I'm
so proud jumbo peanut &em oh [ __ ] she we
went large we did which to quote a girl
I went to grad school she's like you
know boob are a lot like engagement
rings you always wish you went a little
bigger which I honestly don't know if
that's true no because as a person with
a larger chest I have back pain yes like
smaller my aunt is in her
60s and paid for her own breast
reduction surgery this year because yes
because she um had gotten approval from
her doctor a long time ago but insurance
wouldn't pay for it cuz they're like oh
you need we need to take out X amount
for us to um deem that medically
necessary and she was like but my doctor
says I don't need that much out but I
still need a lot out and they're like if
it's not that much it's not medically
necessary so we won't cover it so she
paid for this whole surgery out of
pocket yeah and just self-paid so that
she could finally have it done and but
she's like I'm a new human like she has
a new lease on life yes in her like in
her 60s I'm like yes this should be
celebrated you should have a breast
ction party yes you know good for her
yes I'm like so if and I mean not that
I'm telling you you need to get your
your boobs reduced but I'm like but it
is like a legit thing when you're like
yeah a huge surgery it's a huge surgery
but also like just the way people don't
realize like your boobs impact your life
you know now that sounds now that you're
saying that I was telling you before
earlier before we started recording a
friend of mine is getting her to removed
I kind of want to throw her a tub
legation party like a yes I'm going to
do that good for her yes be like no we
are celebrating you in this journey yes
like it doesn't have to be a huge party
but it deserves to be celebrated and
acknowledged absolutely it's a big step
it's huge yeah and it takes a lot out of
you physically like I'm here for you
babe yeah now mind you the the boob job
party that we had was just like three of
us and she was on a lot of pain meds
surger well I was just thinking like I'm
going to need to give her at least two
weeks before we have this party cuz it
is actually a pretty intense surgery
yeah you're like this we either need to
do it as a pre-surgery pre tube tying
surgery party or a post recovery right
party right okay all that said anyway
wow what a whole tangent not even
related to the book
and today we are reviewing choosing Theo
by Victoria
aine is that a question I had pulled up
I was right I don't know if I'm
pronouncing it right Victoria avaline
okay yep I'm comfortable with that
um it's the first in a series I haven't
read any of the other ones in the series
yet but choosing Theo we start with Jade
Jade Jade is our main character um she
gets kidnapped by aliens as one does
like I'm not ruining anything this isn't
like super far into the book this is
like she's sitting on her couch Hears A
noise some aliens have come and abducted
her she wakes up on a spaceship and like
not like cute aliens
like the what are cute aliens well so
the Indian Planet she ends up on
everyone is essentially just like a
slightly hotter version of
humans um but like I'm like more of like
when you'd think like an alien race like
right that doesn't speak English and
like when with like the big eyes like
like Roswell with the weird shaped head
like like more like stereotypical yeah
aliens yeah okay fair enough um she's
like in a Cell on a ship she doesn't
really know what's happening at one
point they tag her ear with something
and she's like I don't know what that
was but that hurt and [ __ ] y'all
um and she's just trying to figure out
where she's going what's happening then
the aliens come they take her out of her
cell they put her in an egg-shaped
travel device essentially
and they launch her towards a
planet and she's like okay in that that
struggle um there was a can that they'd
used on her previous L that's like a can
that has like a spray that's like a
sleep Mist so she managed to get her
hands on that spray um so she's a little
smart she's a little scrappy right I was
going to say I'm imagining that's going
to be relevant later it's going to be
relevant in about 5 minutes and then
never again no um I think she was like a
landscape architect or something she
lived alone we do love a garden yeah
there was a lot of solitude didn't
really have a community she like at one
point I think she's processing and she's
like no no one will know I'm missing
until I don't show up for work and then
like oh and then she's like the most
recent photo they they'll have of me is
my work ID like is kind of like that
energy um so she
gets booted out of the spaceship in an
egg-shaped travel device um passes out
when she like enters the
atmosphere I don't know is that the
right yes okay thank you I don't know
but it sounds right like I know what
your heart is trying to say so yeah it's
fine I said that with a lot of
confidence that I didn't have but yeah
isn't that most of Life yes it's like
the last for for me I don't know about
for other people like the last episode
when we were talking about how like I
kept confusing brevity and levity but I
just said them and like said them with
confidence and moved on like no one
questioned or at no point was anyone
like I think you're using the wrong word
right I think you mean levity and your
brevity I once in high school this is
different but similar in high school I
sitting there was some Club I was a part
of or something we were talking about I
don't remember what but I meant to say
the word
erratic I said the word
erotic but I said it with so much
confidence and so quickly and just kept
moving that nobody said anything and I
didn't notice until after the meeting
when one of my friends was like I cannot
believe you just said the word erotic to
that teacher and I was like
what um words that I historically messed
simulate and
stimulate very different words take that
tea out it's it's a whole different
situation and I was trying to say it's a
simulation no so when I lived in
Nashville um and I worked emergency
crisis we used to partner with the
police and so we would go to the academy
and we would help train them on
deescalation and we would go right
before they started in the field it was
like their like final like few days at
the Academy and we would on these
simulations where you were um we we were
essentially trying to help them
ascertain when to use lethal means or
when to try and deescalate right so it
would be like I'd be sitting there with
a fake knife they' get they'd get a call
that there was like someone that was
like could be a mental health issue
whatever and they'd show up and it was
always interesting cuz like without fail
the people would be like Drop The Knife
drop the knife drop the knife she didn't
drop the knife and they just like tase
me or like pretend it and I'd be like
hey like did you ask my name or did you
ask like why I had a knife and like we
just really try and help them like
through what you doing can it be
deescalate or not and also but even like
the proximity because when you're like
trying to build rapport and you're like
trying to get closer to the person I was
like but if I'm like really that erratic
and not erotic then you probably don't
want like don't get that close you don't
get that close like you need to stay a
certain distance aways like kind of just
like all of those factors but yes the
number of times I times I would try and
say yeah we go and run these simulations
I'd always have to stop and be like do
you have it right do you have it right
before you say it because you cannot say
that you're about to go stimulate an
entire bise
Academy and they loved you the most and
I never feared getting pulled over in
Nashville I don't know
why oh no
yeah there were actually a couple times
like my headlight went out and then a
girl pulled me over and we've been on a
super intense crisis called together
she's like I remember you I was like I
don't remember you but I you were just
there to make sure I was safe I remember
you too I like yeah that was a wild one
right I was so glad that you guys were
there and could
help um no I straight up though that was
one of my favorite parts of the job was
like getting to actually like partner
with police and and um provide context
when it comes to mental illness that
they didn't necessarily have um
and there was
a marked improvement and difference when
like police would be bringing people to
our office for assessments and things
like that and I remember one time it was
one of my favorite police officers but
like there was a
guy he was he was pretty erratic but he
really liked me and he wanted a
cigarette and I was like yeah let's go
outside you get a cigarette we like calm
down yep I there I find no issues with
the situation and I will if this is what
you need to deescalate and calm down
that is what we will do
um but in the parking lot all of the
police officers who had brought him in
were wanting to make sure I was safe and
they'd formed a pretty wide circle
around us mhm and the circle kept
getting smaller and they kept getting
closer and the smaller the circle got
the more amped the guy got right
understandably right 1,000% um to the
point that like he popped off they had
to put him in the safe room like it went
downhill very very quickly yeah but I
really appreciated the um the sergeant
was like hey
Chelsea what could we have done
differently was that preventable and I
was like I was like Here's my thought I
was like this is what I observed he's
like oh he's like I've never even
thought of it like that he's like we
were so focused on making sure it was
contained that he's like it didn't even
dawn on us that like the containment was
what was setting him off right and I'm
like I love that we were able to have
such a great conversation about this and
like we can move forward together to
make sure everyone gets the resources
and supports they need yeah okay to stay
safe to stay safe right all that said
Jade not safe un markedly unsafe yeah
she just got dropped on a random alien
planet that she knows nothing about and
so when she comes to she like gets out
of her egg and she's like okay she's
like clearly I can breathe on this
planet she gets out of her egg out of
her egg her travel egg um and she hears
footsteps and she's like not today
[ __ ] and so she takes the Sleep
spray sprays Whoever has come up behind
her in the face hears them hit the
ground it works pretty instantaneously
apparently and then she just takes off
running and she's like I'll find my way
um which she's like not the most
successful at I was going to say does
she does she find her way she's like I
feel confident she's like I know like
berries and plants and what I can eat
and not eat then she's like but we're on
a random planet and it might not be the
exact same so I shouldn't just eat like
I shouldn't forage my stuff and then die
because I don't know what's cool and
what's not so she's traveling for like 2
days and she sees like this like giant
City in the distance and then she's like
those buildings must be huge because
I've been walking for 2 days and they're
not I'm not getting closer to them oh no
um and she's like I'm tired I'm
exhausted I'm hungry I don't know what
to do and then she sees some movement
and there's like a giant Pod moving
which we essentially it's like their
cars that are all like automated right
okay so she like sees this car move
she's like oh there's a road so she
takes off after it like I think she
throws the sleeping can spray or
whatever to like get their attention and
then she's so exhausted she like passes
out she I'm like is this only from her
perspective um there's a little bit from
perspective but but I'd say it's like
probably 8020 okay okay and that might
be generous that actually irritates me
more than when it's 100% from like one
perspective or the other cuz I'm like I
don't know I just want it to be
even it didn't when I was reading it it
didn't bother me okay I'll say like the
way in which it's written it was like it
was honestly moments where I'm like man
I'd love to kind of get like Theo's
perspective here and then it like cut to
Theo and I'm like oh cool and then I got
my my five minutes right and then I
moved on right um
so Jade awakens after being rescued we
learned that what was the ear tag is
actually a
translator oh helpful yes so she can
understand everyone on the planet it's
been programmed with their language but
they can't understand her yet oh
unfortunate yes um
but they're like we need to scan your
translator so we can see what your
language is they're like oh Earthling
they're like oh that's like a level four
planet and they're like a level two
Planet that's like more like Advanced
and oh so it's like Gulf golf
golf wolf we we haven't read a book with
a wolf in a
while golf golf rules yes we're the
higher the number
worst the lower the number the better
okay got it so the planet that she's
landed on I think is like a level two or
something and they're like
oh we everyone would just need to update
their translator they're like we can
still communicate with you it's just not
one that's built in I think like all of
like the level one and level two planets
or whatever like those are the ones that
are normally built into the translators
got it they're like yeah so we just need
to update our translators and then we
can talk and it's no problem
so she's like a lot of she's like this
like everyone just kind of looks
like hotter
humans everybody just looks like Henry
Cavell yeah okay now I will say
apparently there's like there's other
aliens and species on the planet um but
like in the city that she is in they're
predominantly more human looking and
there's a lot of similarities in
um and so she goes to a table like
they're like we're going to have you
meet all of these higher ups cuz we we
lowkey kind of like need to figure out
what to do with you now that you're here
um and one dude his name is zorus I
believe x o r i s zorus I would assume
zorus right um zorus is like I'm happy
to take her and they're
like why well and what for now we like
the more you learn about the planet
which I'll like explain in a minute
you're like oh okay maybe it like yeah
was well intention um cuz currently
that's geevy yeah when he's like I'll
take her and you're like no thank you
yeah um but what we do learn is that due
to Intergalactic law she can't go back
to Earth they're like level four planets
are not as advanced they don't know
about all of us and if they like come to
discover us it's fine and we will adapt
but they're like we they need to figure
out their way and so you can't like just
go back to Earth and be like they're Al
like they're like you can't go back M
sorry they're like you can
travel all of the level two planets like
you don't have to stay here but you
can't go back to
Earth um but they do say that she has to
stay on their planet for at least one
year like a quarantine period or
something I think it's also that like
they don't know as much about the level
four planets and so they're like you can
learn learn our ways and Customs we can
learn way more about Earth than we knew
before so you do have to stay for at
least one year um and then they're like
okay well where did she go for a year
and what do they do and they're like oh
perfect timing there's a coupling
tomorrow and I think his name is zus z i
s I would assume zus right I don't know
why I just I'm like I was like here's
how I chose these can you affirm me is
what I feel like is happening now but I
do appreciate the affirmation you're
welcome thank you um like perfect zikas
doesn't have anyone to guide through the
coupling tomorrow so he can guide you
you can go through the coupling that'll
give you a place to stay so is this like
her he just needed a date to a wedding
no it's it's not really like that it's
cuz there she's not going on a date with
him he is like I'd say almost like her
guide through the coupling process okay
um which will also makes sense sorry
that's the weird like paranormal books
you're like there's so much context of
World building you need a a certain
amount of Buy in to it to like yeah and
honestly there's not a ton of World
building here there's just like enough
that it's like we we'll get there a
little bit um but I was laughing because
they're like yeah so perfect you'll stay
here for a year and you'll go through
this coupling and she's like the [ __ ] I
will I did not sign up for this like
like I woke up I don't want to be here
and you're now you're telling me I can't
go home and bump that and so she tries
to take off and like the guard chases
after her she punches the guard in the
face cuz he was not prepared for that
and he'll show up later and like has a
black eye and it's like brooding for the
rest of the book and was so pissed about
it good for her yeah but um also she
like punches him but he still catches up
with her pretty easily he was just kind
of caught off guard um
and they're like cool now that you've
had your tantrum let's explain to you
what the coupling is so there's a couple
stages of it there's the viewing the
choosing and the
testing and she's like I don't want to
do any of this I want to be free I'm
just going to run again and zika say
like where are you going to go babe
you're stuck on this planet yeah he's
like you can do whatever you want and
he's like how are you going to survive
what are you going to do he's like
you'll be free in a year she cuz she's
like I just want to be free he's like
like just stay here for a year then you
can literally do anything and we're
going to take care of you for the whole
year you're here like you don't you
don't know anything and she's like well
you know like when you say it like that
like I sound like an idiot yeah she's
like I don't really maybe I can't
survive on my own here and you're like
there you go baby girl you can't like
there like no one is mean no one is
cruel like she's understandably scared
though yes right and mind you like there
is clearly like she got to the planet
somehow and they're like trying to
figure out how she got there because
it's a against Intergalactic law to like
steal people so she one would hope
pirated essentially yeah okay
um once again all of these details will
play out okay I I don't want to ruin the
surprises for you quite
yet um but as Jade thinks on it she's
like yeah you know what I probably can't
survive on my own so if they're willing
to just like help help take care of me
and help me understand the ways and the
customs and how things work here like
okay cool yeah I'll do that um so then
we go to the viewing at the viewing it's
essentially all of these women all of
the eligible women are all standing in a
room together with like a one-sided
mirror like a debutant ball or like I
was thinking more like a police lineup
sure honestly are those that
different no it's like a cattle show
either way yes and so like all of the
women are just like watching as the men
are walking up like one by one walking
to their side oh the men walk up so the
men are the debutant the men are the
debut not the women I can get behind
that the women are there to choose the
men so but we're at the viewing we
aren't at the choosing yet I I jumped
the gun noted understood yeah so she's
viewing yes so she's at the viewing it's
her and all these other women and she's
like every dude here stupid attractive
and as I said before the cenan aliens
are pretty much like just hotter better
owed versions of humans so there are no
tentacles in this situation there are no
tentacles there is a side character with
horns but they're not sexual well they
might be I don't I haven't read their
book depends on how you use them right
all horns can be sexual if you try hard
and believe in
no no okay so she's at the viewing and
there's all of these like attractive
guys coming through a lot of the men
have like marking on their skin that
almost look like just like they're
almost like iridescent like opal like
they kind of move and light up and like
that's just something with like the the
men or the aliens there um but as this
is going on and all of the men are
walking through there's like one of the
final guys to come through he he doesn't
have is it Theo it is Theo but Theo's
markings aren't like glowing and like
opaly like the other ones his just she's
like it almost looks like Pacific
Islander tattoos like he has like tons
of like like Samoan
um and she's like that man might be the
best looking person I've ever seen in my
entire life I am here for his tattoos I
am here for him big fan but when she
looks around the room all of the women
are like grimacing and disgusted and
like looking away and she's like I
don't I don't get what's happening
because have you seen that man that man
is beautiful like 10 out of 10 would
recommend is her energy towards him so
at work where I work I work at a
residential facility there's a guy who
works in transport that like primarily
does admissions so he picks people up
from the airport or like around the
general Atlanta area and brings them to
treatment with us he is a massive Samoan
man but he is also the kindest
individual I've probably ever met in my
life but it's really funny CU we're in a
re very like rural part of Georgia and
so these people who are not having a
good time obviously because they're
coming to treatment get picked up by
this massive [ __ ] Samoan and driven
to a very
rural North Georgia that's like down a
gravel road and people will talk about
like as they're starting the process to
leave us they'll be like yeah and you
know I thought I was going to die cuz
the largest man I've ever seen in person
in my life is driving me down a gravel
road but turns out he's the kindest
person I've ever met and this was a
pretty good experience like he gets so
many shout outs because he's like the
first interaction people have but like
that's what I thought of so funny
because obviously you want the drive
like you want someone super kind super
empathetic super understanding like
because as you said when people are
coming into treatment they are not in
their best moment right and so the fact
that like he like he's like no I'm I'm
here you're good you're safe and they're
like you're going to you're not going to
kill me and he's like I promise I'm not
going to kill you everything's fine like
there was one time he was taking
somebody to the airport when they were
discharging and the poor kid was a mess
and missed his flight
and so and the kid didn't have any money
like didn't have his wallet whatever
this man turned around went into the
airport and sat with this kid bought him
lunch and sat with him for hours until
they could get another flight organized
for him cuz he didn't want him to be
alone like that's like the level of
sweetness I really hope that Theo brings
that level of sweetness we'll get there
cuz like yeah this person is definitely
one of my favorite people I've ever met
he's definitely the kindest
ever I can't say Theo is the kindest
ever no but kind Theo's also not cruel
we'll learn more about him but like
there's been a lot that has led him he's
a very
insecure human not a human he's not a
human alien um so after the
viewing Jade is like yeah I looked all
the people can I go and is like are you
going to choose one and she's like do I
have to choose one he's like that is how
this works if you don't choose one I'll
choose one for you and she's like well
no I don't want you choosing for me and
so but she's just like not understanding
the whole like situation right right
like what's the purpose here are we
getting married are we just [ __ ] or
are we and so what we learn is that on
this planet marriages only last like 3
months so when you're at the viewing um
are choosing a eligible husband for a
three-month period um they historically
their like Society had had mates like
true mating like mating is not marriage
mating is like this is your soulmate
that you are bound to this person
forever this is your person they're like
marriage is a means to an end because I
guess like 300 years ago there had been
a plague that had come through and wiped
out like a lot of men but predominantly
wiped out women and so they
are having a very hard time repopulating
the Earth they're like it's very hard
for women to conceive and 80% of the
time when women are conceiving they're
having boys they aren't having females
they're like so we're having a very hard
time repopulating the Earth and they're
like and that's part of why it's not the
Earth it's the planet [ __ ] I you yes
we knew in my heart what I meant but
you're right cenia whatever it's called
I was going to say what are ccans where
are they from I think CIA I believe CIA
I'm comfortable with that and so like
men outnumber women on this planet 20 to
one oh no so women are very very revered
and like when men want like any shot of
having a child they have to like be able
to like show that they can provide for
these women but women are also like yeah
I mean after like 3 months we'll like
know if we're if we're like vibing or
not so you can extend your marriage but
you aren't obligated to anything past 3
months and they're like there's this
like Temple it's called like the [ __ ]
like Pearl Temple or some [ __ ] they're
like all of the single girls live there
so like if they're like if you marry one
of these men you aren't vibing it the
marriage ends after 3 months you can go
live in the pearl temple with all those
women for the rest of the year but you
have to stay on the planet for a year so
like that's a lot more of the context
that we are getting here we do also
learn that when it's like a real mating
that there's
like biological shifts that happen in
your body your body will become like
stronger faster in the female's body
both oh okay yeah so like so that you
can protect your mate your bodies will
adapt that you are stronger and faster
and more primed and able to protect your
your mate and your partner
um and so then as he's like a zika
explaining all of this to Jade she's
like so y'all like really [ __ ] with
women and she's like
so men get really excited at like the
chance to prove themselves over these
three months and she's like so I can
just like choose a guy and
we'll hang out and he'll dot on me for 3
months and then I can just decide what I
want to do and I could go find another
one in 3 months and zika say like yeah
essentially she's like well when you say
it like that sign me up [ __ ] yeah she's
like I see no downside to this situation
right she's like okay I'll marry a guy
for three months and then go on to do
whatever I want sounds
good um on her way to the choosing we
meet aiva is how I'm going to say her
name I'm going to spell it because
that's just where I'm at today and I'm
spelling all the names a s i VV
a ooh aa aa I would have said AA but the
double V's make me think aiva right yeah
okay so we meet aiva she's a member of
like the intergalactic Alliance she had
heard that there was a human there and
like wanted to meet her and she' updated
her translator and it's giving immediate
like oh this is Jade's new bestie is
kind of the energy that that we're
um and aiva is also really good
because Jade's like I don't consider
myself clo close-minded but when they
just say things about their custom she's
like what that doesn't make sense and
they're like well why doesn't it make
sense like why are you so close-minded
to things you don't understand and like
when like just kind of
explaining their their culture
their like how they how they came to be
how they are way of life all that yes
their way of life and so Jade's like wow
maybe I was like more closed-minded and
ethnocentric than I realized I was yeah
and that well happen a few times
throughout the book like aiva is kind of
like why you judgeing the things you
don't know girl like no let's not do
that H so um jade then goes into the
choosing we did the viewing we're now at
the choosing where all of the guys are
now back in the room but all of them are
essentially holding up numbers and so
you have to like look and see whose
numbers that they are to be like these
are like my top choices and the ones
that I'm most interested in she doesn't
read Clan she doesn't know she she's
like I got the numbers of close as I
could hopefully zikas
can figure it out figure it out and I
don it up with some weird read between
the lines yes um so Jade ends up
choosing a few guys Theo is one of those
I think she chose two others as well um
but when she gives the numbers and
they're like pulling the profiles to
like show her aiva and zikas are both
like is this the number you meant when
it came to Theo's profile and she's like
yeah yeah yeah he's wicked hot yeah did
you see him why why am I the only one
who thinks this man is hot um and
like oh his scars really scare people
and his scars really intimidate people
and like so he's always been viewed as
very grotesque because of his
scars um and he's never been chosen like
she didn't notice scars though right the
markings so all of his tat Maring are
scars are scars which we will like he
essentially had a really traumatic like
accident when he was a kid and like it
seems as though they had started as
markings and then scarred over time I
think was like because he well whatever
we'll get there um but yeah so
essentially everyone thinks he's like
super grotesque and she's like oh he
just looks like a hot tattooed guy and
they're like tattoos like tattoos are
not a thing on this planet well because
they're born with them
they're born with their version of like
they're born with like more like opal
iridescent like
markings um but like at one point that
like isn't super relevant but um jade is
like meeting with one of their doctors
and they're doing scans and tests to
kind of like figure out more about her
anatomy and they're like oh yeah we can
essentially fix everything that's wrong
with you they're like your thyroid seems
to be underperforming a little bit it's
like your something's a little [ __ ] up
with your knee we can like wave this
little wand over you and all of that
will be fixed and like all of your
physical deformities and issues will be
taken care of um and she had like a
little like Star tatue behind her ear or
something and she's like can you leave
that and they were like e why oh oh yeah
I mean sure I guess we can um I'm like
oh so maybe you guys aren't as accepting
of the humans say
right um but yes so they're like Theo
has literally never been chosen because
all of these women think he's grotesque
and she's like we are looking at
different humans not you know what I
mean we are looking at different people
we are looking at different people
1,000% um they read off all of these men
go to husbandry
school um isn't husbandry
like oh isn't that a a job on Earth I
have to look it up on earth like do hold
on I got to Google it
hband I'm about to learn some [ __ ] maybe
I'm not about to learn some [ __ ] why
can't I open my phone oh you haven't had
that much wine it didn't like my thumb
print just now that wasn't even a facial
scan it wouldn't accept your your thumb
my thumb I can't I can't help with that
one no I'm not intoxicated enough for
husbandry yes the care cultivation and
breeding of crops and
animals I knew
it do you feel good yeah I do right kind
validating um so husbandry school here
is more
like you have classes in cooking in
massage in it's home economics in
preferences of women G School
sexual things it's gisha school for boys
yeah essentially it's gisha school for
boys um Theo apparently top marks in I'm
sure in cooking in massage in sexual
satisfaction um not as good as scores
when it comes to communication and
appearance we also learn is a mercenary
For Hire from the government is his like
full-time job and he's made a stupid
amount of money doing that over the
years so are these men like required to
do this because if I was a dude who made
good money and was like having a good
time but knew I was technically like
deformed I
mean I I if you ever want a chance of
having a kid oh that's a whole
conversation as well right where they
talked about like cuz at one point
Jade's like so what about people that
are like
in like same-sex relationships and
things of that capacity and they're like
you can be in a same-sex relationship
but if like they're like but over time
as our numbers have become 20 males to
every one female they're like if you
want a chance of being chosen by a
female of having a kid if you ever want
to have a kid you would need
to see if someone would be chose would
would choose you right yeah yeah okay
that makes sense yeah um so zikas then
is like all right I'm I'm going to go
tell Theo he was chosen and then we cut
to Theo and Theo is like just so like
down on himself and he's like I do this
I I go once a year to this stupid thing
and it always ends the same and so like
he always leaves right after the
choosing because he's like I'm literally
never chosen there's zero point in
staying around right and zika shows up
and he's like hey so you were chosen we
need you to come back and he's like what
well and he's like last time someone
chose me it was because they just wanted
to like have a chance like see the freak
show up close um and zikas is like
trying to explain to him like no this is
a human it's like this is not someone
from our planet who like knows our ways
um and like Theo was so
like he can't comprehend that yes not at
all and to the point where zikas is like
cool you can go voluntarily or by force
but you are going to the testing
regardless of if you really want to um I
think after that was when Jade went to
like the doctor and they were doing
scans and trying to figure out like is
there anything on our planet that like
you're allergic to and there's like one
thing they're like avoid stuff that
comes from this tree we'll let your
husband know so like like just pretty
straightforward they're like yeah
there's a few an anatomical upgrades
that were made and they're like for all
intents and purposes ccans and humans
are very very similar they're like the
human women have two pleasure centers
ccan women have
one congratulations yeah they're like if
if anything it'll be better for you this
way um but outside of that they're like
not a ton of differences yeah have a
good time right so then we get to the
testing okay like what are we testing
for yeah no valid um I'm like STI or um
sexual competency is what we are testing
for competency okay well here's the
thing these women just are like he's
pretty like maybe I'll marry him and so
then they have the testing to see if the
man would be able
to perform and sexually satisfy all of
them so all of the men essentially are
in these rooms blindfolded
because cuz they not supposed to know
what wom chose them okay and then the
women get to test them out take take him
on a joy
ride and if it goes well choose that one
and be like yeah I I've chosen I'd have
sex with that for 3 months exactly yeah
like he seems like he could sexually
satisfy me for three months here we go
so um jade didn't necessarily fully
realize this until she's standing in the
hall and there's all of these doors and
she's here ing moaning and she's like oh
and so one of the other guys she had
chosen they're like she's hearing like
very loud moans come out of his room and
they're like oh yeah do you want to go
in and wait for your turn and she's like
no what she's like no I don't I don't
want to go wait for my turn um and she's
like are any other women also trying out
Theo to day and they're like nope you're
the only one who chose Theo she's like
then to Theo I shall go she's like I'm
not not into sloppy seconds yeah she's
like I don't want to go stand in the
room or stand outside the room and like
listen or watch homeboy so she's not
into voyerism or her thing yeah she's
like or what cockled thing okay that was
I thought that's what you said but I was
like you know you don't really hear the
word cuck holding that often when I
think of the word cuck hold I think of
[ __ ] what was that movie Crazy Stupid
Love oh yeah yeah yeah where
um Steve Carell is like super drunk and
keps keeps talking about the guy that
was sleeping with his wife and calling
him a cuck hold yeah that's what I think
of whenever I think of cuckolding I just
think of I mean I guess this situation
technically would not be cuckolding but
it would be
voyerism I don't think I technically I
don't think I actually know what [ __ ]
means I think traditionally it has to be
the man watching a woman with another
man like cheating on him with another
man traditionally I think Shakespeare
came up with the word
definition the husband of an adulterous
often regarded as an object of
yeah like a derogatory term for a man
watching his wife or a man whose wife is
cheating on him tucked somebody to make
man that doesn't make that I was only
getting half of it a man whose wife or
partner is sexually Unfaithful and who
is typically regarded as an object of
dur okay I I learned something today
look look at us go um but yes Jade is
like I'm not going to get in
line I'm going to go to the one who just
get my fast pass out and go check out
Theo my fast pass I I pre-registered for
this time slot so I could cut the line
um she's like listen Theo was my top
choice I don't need to try out this
other person who's currently being tried
out by other women right um so she is
outside of Theo's room and zikas is like
zikas whatever I'm making it up every
time it's a little different every time
I seeus um but he's like hey just as a
reminder Theo hasn't updated his
translator yet so you can't communicate
with him so go in have a great time you
can't really talk to him right God my
dear say no all you want but that's what
I heard that's scary to me oh that's
scary to me that's consent issue
right well here's I think it's also the
men are just there to try and please the
women but like the are the pace it's not
like you're going go and then like if
you're clearly trying to not be next to
him like
okay wow Hannah well I just thought
that's a consent issue if he doesn't
understand and she's like I'm not into
that like he wouldn't
know that she said that touche but also
it doesn't fully get there that's not
the point of this I'm sorry that I took
it there I'm so sorry I'm so sorry like
going okay in your life Hannah that's
where we need the process for the most
part yeah my life's actually [ __ ]
awesome right now so when she walks in
um Theo was blindfolded cannot see her
um I don't know if the blindfold
technically well never mind that's a
stupid statement as like covers his
ears no wouldn't matter it wouldn't
matter um but he hears her walk in and
then like just stands up starts getting
naked he's like okay here we are we're
here for the testing and starts getting
naked and she's like damn he is so
goodlooking I am very into that yes and
she's like mesmerized by his scars um
that once again she just thinks look
like really hot tattoos like she does
not think of these as like grotesque or
ugly markings or like deformities at all
um yeah and so she like he's walking
closer to her she's mesmerized by his
tattoos and like puts her hand on them
and as soon as she like touches his
tattoos he like grabs her hand and is
like the [ __ ] not like like yeah no no
no like oh like and especially because
he was already afraid that like whoever
chose him it was just for the freak Show
to because inquiring minds want to know
right right and so he like grabs her
hand and like Yanks her like pretty
close um but then once he
does he smells her I was going to say is
it a scent thing it's always a scent
thing he gets a whiff of her and it's
like real close up in her neck and like
takes a deep whiff and she's like this
is oddly doing it for me and then he
like licks her neck mhm and she like
moans a little bit be and she's like
what is happening like I'm bu into that
yes but as soon as she like moans he
kind of like realizes what he's doing
and like lets her go and like turns
around and so she's like is is that it
is that is that the testing have we
tested yeah and she's like I don't
really know what's happening so I'm just
going to leave so she walks out and Z
zikas is like how did it go and she's
like so he he smelled me zikas is like
he did
what like what is happening here so we
cut back to Theo Theo is sitting in the
room and is like has heard that she left
and he's like I can't believe I scared
her like that was not what I was trying
to do and he's like he's like I I lost
control he's like but she smelled so
[ __ ] good and her skin was so soft
and I was very much about it in a way
that I like lost control of myself so
zikas comes in to help like remove the
blindfold um cuz you know they're more
advanced blindfolds on alien planets it
was like a hard blindfold that like
really like suctioned where like you
like couldn't like it seemed like zikas
like had to take it off for him like a
mask it almost mind you I read it this
part very quickly and it is not that
important but it almost seemed like it
would like lock in like like it was like
softer and then like when when it was on
your face you could like make it like
harder so it would like solidify and
stay H okay I don't know honestly I if
anyone is listening to this podcast who
has read this book and they're like that
is not what happened at all you're right
let us know I I I won't say I read for
detail all the time so sorry if that
detail mattered you and I [ __ ] it up
um but zikas comes in to remove the
blindfold and he's like so like how did
go like playing like like he doesn't
know that he sniffed her and the and
Theo's just like yeah went fine can I
leave now and zikas is
like yeah but don't forget to grab your
wife on the way out and Theo's like the
[ __ ] she chose me my what and Z's like
yeah man you finally got chosen hell
yeah like he's like so excited for
congratulations bro he's like I've known
Theo since he was a baby he's never been
chosen I'm so excited for this historic
Moment Like bless it um but as s like
it's so funny because as soon as he's
chosen Theo completely switches a flip
and gets super suspicious cuz he like
felt really bad for like scaring her and
all this and he's like immediately
becomes super suspicious and he's like
why would anyone choose me what's up
with this situation right but he's also
a mercenary for hire and so he's like
I've pissed off some people I wouldn't
be surprised if someone was like trying
to infiltrate like I just turn down some
contracts this feels like very
coincidental timing that I don't super
trust right so this would be
like like it doesn't make sense I didn't
even give this woman an orgasm and she's
chosen me and like obviously like like
no one has ever chosen me in my entire
life everyone thinks I'm grotesque all I
did was lick her and sniff her yeah like
and she picked me well I think he's less
focused on the immediate sniffing of her
I think he's more focused on the
overall everyone on this planet thinks
I'm grotesque so to choose me would be
ridiculous you yeah there' like there'
have to be an ulterior
motivation there um and so he's like
waiting for her to come back in CU he
hasn't seen her at this point um and
he's like all right I'll know depending
on how attractive she is what people to
rule out because if she's super
good-looking that must mean that like
she was like it's like a super high
paying client right she must been really
expensive so she walks in and he's like
is like the most beautiful thing I've
ever seen and he's like so it must be
one of my high paying
client she was obviously very expensive
yes and he's like okay I'll take her
home and figure
out who paid her like she will not best
me in this situation bless him um and so
they get him like the Pod to travel back
once again his his translator still
hasn't updated they can't communicate
so he's just sitting there glaring at
her on this drive and like opens
like what seems like a canister filled
with hard liquor and it's just sitting
and sipping it and Jade's like just
staring at him and he's staring at her
and Jade like puts her hand out and it's
like can I have some of your whatever
you're drinking she's like I assume it's
alcohol and I need some alcohols right
now and so she like takes a sip or two
and she's like o this is some good stuff
and he's like sitting there watching her
which we it's called like M and he we
learned that like women do not normally
drink M like that is like very potent so
he's like she's just sitting there down
in that like God damn yeah she's getting
real giggly and just like chatting away
and she's like he can't understand me
anyways and he's just like
babbling oh I love that they arrive at
the house he gives her a whole tour um
all she has is like the clothes that
they'd like already put her in but she
doesn't really have anything else so
she's like wearing this dress and she's
like I don't want to be wearing this
anymore and so she's like motions and
like tries to like be like can I borrow
like one of your shirts or something um
which apparently on their Planet women
don't like wear their
men's their partner's clothing a lot
um and so he's kind of like looks super
confused like okay whatever um he brings
her like a like a big button-up shirt
and some pants and she's like the pants
are huge I don't have a belt these pants
won't stay up I guess I'm just wearing
his shirt like that's fine right what
does it matter at this point big oversiz
shirt she walks into the kitchen he sees
her just in his shirt with no pants on
and is like so into it without thinking
he like shatters the glass in his hand
like he sees her the glass shatters
because he's so focused on her and she's
like oh my God like he automatically
picks her up puts her on the counter
because she's Barefoot and he doesn't
want her to cut her feet he's cleaning
the floor up she's just sitting there
watching it happen but then she sees
blood on his hand and is like what oh my
gosh let me take care of you she's like
what are you a masochist like just like
babbling and babbling and just sitting
there and like taking the glass out of
his cut is very much like caring for him
and he's just sitting there kind of
watching it happen and then she's as
she's babbling she's like looking at him
and she's like man I want to lick those
tattoos and he just goes do you now and
she's like wait what update unlocked
yeah he's like I updated my translator
while you were changing clothes and
she's like well [ __ ] wish I'd known that
before I was just love that for you
awkward but then like the's like damn it
my whole plan had been that I was going
to update my translator and not tell her
so I could like gather all this Intel
about her and she wouldn't know that I
could understand her he's like and I
broke in less than 10
minutes some mercenary
yeah he's like who would hire me if I
can't even like get this right um and so
he's like she must be the most highly
paid highly trained actress he's like
because all of her reactions seem so
genuine he's like she's staring at all
the stuff in my house like it's the
coolest [ __ ] she's ever seen in her life
and it's like mundane things that I've
never seen before he's like she is
laying it on thick she is such a good
actress and he's like but her reactions
seem genuine right I'm like because they
are but cuz she doesn't know so like he
she's still on the counter he like
presses up against her and like a
standing between her legs and is like
who sent you and she's like I was
abducted from my planet and he's like
like hell you were abducted like I'm
going to get to the bottom of who took
you or or why you picked me like I doubt
anyone took you because there's a
snowballs chance in hell you would have
chosen me um
I'm clearly being set up
here oh right like your heart kind of
breaks for Theo that like
yeah he has been treated so poorly his
whole life that someone shows interest
in him and he can't believe that it's
actually genuine yeah that's really sad
yeah but he's like I'm going to get to
the [ __ ] bottom of this and she's
like I'm starting to deeply regret my
choices because I thought you were
really hot and now you're like holding
me against the wall and holding me
against the counter and being like tell
me the secrets and she's like there are
no [ __ ] secrets I was abducted what
do you like the secret is what the [ __ ]
is happening do you know cuz I sure
don't truly so he like takes her picks
her up carries her through like puts her
in her bedroom and he's like I don't
trust you I don't want you wandering my
house and she's like okay so the next
morning she's like well can't wait to do
this again um 3 months of this right
right she's like this is not I thought
she's like the way was I just thought I
was s up for like 3 months of sexy time
damn maybe he would lick my neck some
more I don't know right I really thought
the sniffing was super erotic not
erratic even if it was
weird so the next morning when she goes
out he's made her
breakfast and she's
like what I can't get a read on you last
night you were like holding me against
the wall and yelling at me and today
you're making me food and I I can't tell
which version of you is right the best
or the most accurate well and that's
stressful too because like if you're
going to be like mean or cruel or
whatever consistently that's one thing
yes you know what to expect right but
then like sudden kindness is like how do
you trust that cuz like when is the
cruelty going to pop back out well and
but he says he's like you
know she's like what's this I thought
you thought I was a spy he's like I
still think you're a spy but I don't
need to be mean and I'm sorry I lost my
cool and like I'll just wait you out
because you'll break at some point but I
don't need to be mean until then but I
still think you're a spy H
yeah um and so then Theo's next thought
he's like she'll have to keep pretending
she doesn't know our rules and customs
and he's like and eventually she'll
break he's like so I'm going to start
creating [ __ ] rules and customs and
things to like kind of like throw her
off and like force her hand to like see
like so that she'll like eventually like
cave and be like that's not true and
he's like ha I knew you knew is like
kind of thought so um he's like he
starts his dog's name is
sibo Sao CE e b o sibo sibo sure I'm
comfortable with that who we got from an
from an exotic breeder pretty similar to
like a human like an earth dog um but
apparently like slightly bigger and it
has like a split tongue and their eyes
are slightly bigger but like almost
sounded like if you have a Golden
Retriever with bigger eyes and a split
tongue who's
like the size of a
wolf you know what I mean like it's kind
of like yeah the the equivalent but
apparently cenan women like don't like
pets in the house and like that's not
really like a thing and so he's like
I'll piss her off I'll introduce her to
my dog and that'll do it and so he's
like all right I got to show you
something and she's like okay what is it
and as soon as she sees sibo she's like
a dog and she like gets on the ground
and is playing with the dog and it's
like what I didn't didn't know you have
a pet I grew up with dogs we always had
a dog in fact back on Earth I was going
to go rescue a dog before I got abducted
and it was and he's
like what like not only does she love
dogs she was going to rescue one she
really cares about the animals but he's
also like this did not play out how I
thought this was going to play out he's
like this completely backfired on me
right and she's like come on sio let me
show you my room still don't trust it
1,000% so then that night Theo's making
dinner and he's like oh um don't forget
that now that we've been married for two
days um the the bathing ritual has to be
completed and she's like what bathing
ritual he's like yeah you know the
ritual where husband and wife bathe
together it's mandatory and she's
like kind of makes me feel a little
weird I don't know if I want to do that
and he's like too bad it's
mandatory you it is in fact compulsory
yes um and she's like I really don't
think I want to do that that makes me
feel a little uncomfy that I would be
forced to bathe with someone who thinks
I'm a spy and so she tries to like take
off and run she makes it like 3 feet
yeah barely in his yard and he like
chases her down and grabs her and like
brings her back back um and we like he
was super into that we learned he has a
little bit of a Chase Kink M like a
primal situation where he likes to like
her yeah it's he specifically said it
was the chasing that did it for him okay
yeah yeah
um he has a beautiful bath like a whole
room for just the the tub and she walks
in and she's like ooh this room is
incredible and like she's like I know it
it has jets but I want some Bubbles and
so she's like I don't really know what
everything is on this planet but I'm
going to put this in it and hope it's
like bubbles and then she's like you
know I'm reminded of when I used to live
on earth and my dad had to get rid of
our hot tub because I tried to add
bubble bath to it and broke it she's
like hope it doesn't happen here and
just like so when Theo walks in the
whole tub is filled with bubbles and
he's like what and she's like bubbles
are great who doesn't love Bubbles
you're welcome welcome yes she's like
Welcome To Earth bathing that makes me
think of Bob's Burgers when Linda puts
an entire bottle of bubble bath into the
tub to try to have sexy time with Bob
and then it it
burns because she puts so much
in yeah and it's like sludge when they
try to move through it [ __ ] I'm sorry I
used that word not quite the same I
don't know if it was the brand of epson
salts that I used but I had was taking
like an Epson salt bath the backs of my
thighs that were like the salt that was
like on like the bottom of the
tub I had like an actual reaction like
the back of my thighs turned like bright
red I was
like I don't think I used too much right
but I something is not a lining here
yeah so I'm like I it's like maybe I'm
not just going to put EPs and salts in
here you're good not that brand anyway
yeah no I use epsom salt all the time
right I was like I feel like everyone
loves to go to Epsom salt bath why is
this happening and using like the
um like the bubble bath that has like
Epsom salts in it different it is yeah
yeah so I was like man I want to do this
but not enough that I'm going
to have my thighs break out every time I
try oh yeah it must I'm hoping it was
just the brand I never really circled
back on that one was it Mr
teals no it came in a
carton okay I like Mr teals yeah yeah no
these ones came in a carton okay I
don't I I don't know if it was me or the
salts but we were not vibing um so
regardless they are taking their
mandatory bath together it's like a
Jacuzzi size tub they're not like on top
of each other they actually sit they're
having like a really good conversation
they talk about their families we learn
how he got his scars so his mom um both
of his parents are deceased and her
parents are deceased as well and when he
his mom is not from clenia she's from I
think traxia was the name of the other
planet um which are known for being like
a very like violent very like aggressive
people and um his mom and dad I don't
know if they were actually true mates
but they like stayed married and had a
really good relationship they had five
kids four boys he's the oldest um and
then a daughter as
well and at one point his mom took him
back to traxia to meet all of her family
and like the day after they arrived
their city was attacked his mom died
like saving his life and it took a long
time for his dad to be able to get onto
the new planet and save him and in that
time I think I it may have been like in
the Sun or something but like all of his
markings burned and turned scars um but
she's also kind of able to say
like yeah I actually asked like keep my
tattoos like I thought they were tattoo
like just kind of he's like oh maybe
this is right I think they're beautiful
I thought they were a choice and not
something that like happened to you yes
1,00% um
so in this conversation she's like hey
like I made this friend to civa could
she come over like I'd like to like see
her and he's like I'll ask her to come
over um he's like yes she can come over
only if you lick my scars he's like you
but he's like you said you wanted to
lick my markings in the
kitchen now's your chance you won't is
guy like and she's
like okay no like I meant that she's
like I'm embarrassed that you heard me
say it because I thought you hadn't
updated your translator she's like but I
wasn't lying I was just embarrassed I'm
definitely into it yes and so like she
like approaches him in the tub and it's
like standing between his legs and she's
like I'm she's like I'm only going to
lick one you got a lot of them but like
licks one of his scars and is like
continuing to lick up his neck and like
like bites his ear and he starts purring
oh um and she's like are you purring
right now which kind of broke the the
moment for him um and he's like what no
I wasn't [ __ ] doing that and then
like gets up leaves the room and just
like doesn't come back and she's like
well I guess the bath is over like but
he goes to his room and just masturbates
and he's like I can't believe I lost
control like that and apparently like
the seat in the tub is marble and he
like was so frazzled and is so strong he
broke the tub in that moment like like
broke the seat uh so is this like an
Omega verse Alpha per situation
what did you just
say you know in the books with the Omega
verse like the alpha purr that like
relaxes the Omega or whatever um no we
learned that purring I I see what you
mean now um purring is just like more
like a how a cat purrs just like a sign
of contentment um but I what we also
learn is that like it's been a long time
since like Theo has purged
oh so like he didn't know it was
happening yeah it was just kind of like
an innate response and she's like are
you purring and he's like what the [ __ ]
like no yeah versus like through as
their relationship develops he purs far
more often right um and it's just like a
sign of contentment okay yeah fair
enough so after the bath though Theo was
completely trying to avoid her and is
like I lose control every time this is
not working out how I thought it would I
just need to stay away from this woman
um aiva ends up coming over and oio had
given Jade like a little like device so
she could order a bunch of clothes and
have everything that she needed it's her
Amazon Prime
sure I or any
app well most companies you can buy
clothes online now that's true you don't
have to subject yourself to just Amazon
clothes that are offbrand or those brand
that you've never heard of before I was
thinking onstop shop like anything she
wanted well she says that she like she
had like chosen a bunch of clothes but
then um she was like I need your help
she's like cuz there are a lot of like
hair products and things like that she's
like I can't read cenan so I don't know
what these are gotcha um but just as far
as like clothing and basic things that
she needed he was like yeah have here's
this device you can like pick out and
buy whatever you need I don't know their
setup as far as if it's a if it's an
Amazon situation if it's one stop um
those are not details that felt
pertinent when I was reading it fair
enough I I didn't didn't even dawn on me
to ask their their online retail set
up next time pay attention to what
matters all right well so aiva comes
over and is like hey I just thought I'd
deliver all of the stuff that you
ordered she's like but I also looked at
everything you bought and I went ahead
and picked out more for you you needed
to order way more than what what you did
and Jay's like I ordered enough for like
a year and as if was like Theo is loaded
to the point where like it would get
around and reflect poorly on Theo if
people knew how little money you spent
because he makes so much money like you
needed to spend more and she and Jade's
like what about people who like don't
make as much money they're like well
then they they spend what their husband
tells them like this is like how much
you can she's like but no it will
reflect poorly on Theo if you didn't
spend more money she's like so I went
ahead and spent more money for
you um but Jade's also noticing like a
civil walking around like knowing where
things are in the house and she's like
why is she so familiar and getting like
really possessive and she like so how do
you know Theo and asa's like you mean my
brother ah so she's the one sister yes
she is the one sister
um but we talk of like like Jade is just
updating aiva on how things are going
across the board that like Theo is
continuing to be very suspicious of her
um and she's like I mean like I'm trying
my best like show them like I'm I'm here
I'm genuine she's like I even did like
the the bathing ritual and as was like
what bathing
ritual and J like the [ __ ] you mean and
S was like that's not a
thing oh no the mandatory bathing ritual
is not a thing Theo just wanted you
naked in a
CH that is such a little sister move
right throw the Big Brother under the
bus so then Jade and AA are like let's
let's make up some of our own rituals
yeah let's get back at them a little bit
so when Theo gets home aiva is no longer
there um but Jade is looking great she
like has on her new clothes she is
vibing herself and she's like yeah I'm
so excited for female choice and Theo's
like what's female choice and she's like
well oh aa just said you probably forgot
to mention it but like the ritual where
like I get to like choose like what we
do for the full night he's like
yep that is also a
ritual yep mhm sounds right like what
the [ __ ] now I need to call my sister
and figure out what lies she fed my
awkward but like Jade is 1,00% trying to
put the moves on Theo and she's like hey
like I need your help and he's like oh
like what do you need my help with and
she's like well I have a cut on my upper
thigh from the tub from yesterday and
he's like oh my god when I broke the
marble when I got like too riled up in
the bath she cut herself on it um and so
she he's like yeah I I have the Healer
like my little healer stick thing that
they have in their society and he's like
I can I can help you um
but then clearly like calls her Bluff
whatever it ends with him finger
blasting her
like I
don't there sure there are more details
um but like she's clearly trying to get
a rise out of him right and and is
somewhat successful yeah like she like
here's the cut it's super high up my
thigh let me lift my dress so you can
see it and he's like kind of like is
this what you want and he like loses
control like his eyes flash black
instead of their normal color and she's
like oh he's really lost control
whatever I got a great orgasm out of
this so priorities you get it yeah as um
she's like well I'd love to return the
favor thank you that was a fantastic
orgasm the front door keeps
ringing and feel was like [ __ ] a no
one ever shows up and now I'm about to
get my dick wet and now someone showing
up for the first time basically in ever
yes seemingly so and so he goes to open
the door and it's zorus is
there and zorus is there being like hey
wanted to update you CU we've been
continuing to look into like how Jade
got here what all happened um it seems
as though her translator only was
programmed with ccan so like most like
translators on the market if you're just
buying a translator out of the box it's
going to have all of the major planets
and all of the major languages and like
you can update it like how they're all
updating theirs for English or maybe not
English Earth how they're updating it
for Earth languages um sure but they're
like hers was only programmed for clan
so clearly she's a plant cuz why would
she only have Clan not where I was going
with that not a plant so much as the end
goal was to get her onto this planet we
don't know why just so much as like yeah
well I'm thinking like if he was
suspicious of her in the first place of
being like sent by someone I could see
her only having his language on the
translator would be like yep there's the
confir confirmation I need she's not I
think from
his specific insecurities and suspicions
that does make sense I think zor's
thought as a whole had been more of like
the whatever the plan or whatever the
goal was we're still looking into it but
it was for her to end up on our planet
um so then as they're having this
conversation um about like Jade
essentially getting smuggled onto the
planet she walks into the kitchen and
apparently smell is more of a thing
there it's not like a huge thing but
like at one point like there's
definitely conversation of like or Theo
can smell her fear he initially smelled
her arousal and thought that was the
smell of fear and then later he smelled
her fear and he's like so what was that
other smell um her arousal so he's in
the kitchen with zorus and Jade walks
in and you can just smell her arousal
like they they both can and it's
apparently a super like heady
aphrodesiac would that not suck really
bad if everybody could smell when you
were turned on God I would hate
right that so
imagine that's what I'm doing it's
awful Chelsea that is his it in fact
that would be the worst
right no
like okay
miserable so but like zorus like his
eyes get big he's clearly smells and
it's like starting to like move towards
her and like Theo like gets in his way
and like essentially throws him out of
the house um but Zora says like you need
to explain some [ __ ] to her because
other men won't stop the way I stopped
and Jade's like I don't know what I did
wrong right like Theo's like clearly
pissed and she's like you give me a
great orgasm I was she was like he's
like why didn't you stay back in the
room where I told you to stay and she's
like because you also think I'm
suspicious and that I'm like looking
around your house and like searching
places and I didn't want you to think
that that's what I was doing so I was
trying to come out here so that you
wouldn't think I was like trying to
discover your [ __ ] secrets she's like
there's no winning um so that's kind of
that whole
situation Theo goes to a civas and is
like so can you explain to me what the
[ __ ] female choice is that you like told
my wife is a thing that's not a thing
um and they like they have a whole
conversation but aa's also like why
don't you just allow yourself to enjoy
these three months like someone chose
you right lean into it yes 1,000% like
she's like if it's a spy if if Jade's a
spy she's not going to get anything from
you because you have all of your stuff
very tightly locked up she's like so spy
or not you still
have comp months in companionship just
like make the best of it
1,000% so this may not be relevant but
like if marriage is only for 3 months
and it is like trying to get pregnant
what do you do with a kid is it always
custody so so it seems cuz we learned
aiva she's been with her partner for 4
months she extended their marriage but
she has at least two former marriages
and two former children she had two sons
each of them live with their respective
fathers oh um and I think Jade at one
point was like do you visit them do you
have relationships with them and she's
like no like it would be too hard with
like the way our culture is set up for
survival she's like you just kind of
have to like
move on to the next one that's sad right
yeah yeah it
really it's it's a very heartbreaking
like system that they've
created I mean I can appreciate that the
men are responsible for The Offspring
cuz that's very opposite mhm to most
situations that is fair on Earth um but
yeah like if it was yeah that's sad
well and as we were saying before like
if it's 20 to1 ratio right it makes more
sense yeah
like you're trying to repopulate and
so you're hoping for a girl at some
point now what I don't know is like if
you had a girl would you keep the yeah
like if that would if that would change
um which is a valid question so over the
next week Theo's really like considered
what aiva said and is like he's far
kinder to her they're
like eating meals together they're
bonding more they're talking more female
Choice night arrives where essentially
Jade gets to choose whatever she wants
to do and then Theo has to do it this
fake ritual right um and so she's like
what what we've also learned is that
they don't really kiss on their Planet
like they have sex
but like it sounds as though sex well
there's some level of enjoyment they're
like yeah like why would you pick a man
who can't make you orgasm you like valid
question um fair
point but there's not a ton of
intimacy past that I think because like
you're only with most people for like 3
months it's just a like sex is not for
connection or anything like that it's
just to get off or maybe make a baby but
it's not like there's no emotional
component yes and so she's like teaching
him how like what she decided she wants
to do for female choice is teach him how
to kiss because kissing is not a thing
on the planet and he's like kissing is
incredible why doesn't everyone kiss and
they're like making out and he's like I
10 out of 10 big fan on kissing and I'll
say in the epilogue he like kisses her
and his brother is like what was that
like what are you doing yes and he's
like maybe one day you'll be be lucky
enough to kiss someone cuz it's just
like not a thing
um so then from there they're kissing
and he's like I'm really trying to stay
in control right now but I like want you
so much and Jade's like lose control I
want you to lose control do it you won't
you won't and so she runs again and
takes off because he likes the Chas yes
he likes the chase it like makes him
lose control
um he gives her a little bit of a head
start but easily catches her once he
starts trying to catch her yeah that
sounds like a primal Kink right yeah
yeah um there's a solidifying [ __ ] in
woods that's very Primal right he
carries her back to the house um and
then he like puts her on her bed and
it's like okay I'm going to go back to
my room now because apparently most of
them have separate rooms all the time
she's like you aren't going to stay and
he's like do you want me to stay and
she's like yeah and she's like let's
spoon he's like what is what's a spoon
he's like spooning that's not a word
that translates in this like context
spooning like what um and so he ends up
sleeping in her room with her and he's
like oh like he's like starting to allow
himself to be like Oh I'm experiencing
things I never dreamed for myself that I
like never thought I would be able to
experience um we also learned that the
Gathering is coming soon the Gathering
happens a month into the new pairings
where essentially it's like a Citywide
party for all of the couples to show up
all of like the high rollers just a big
party to see how everything is going
um it's also a chance for like men to
kind of talk to women to kind of get
their foot in the door for like future
marriages and things like that and so
Theo's already mad at the thought of
like having to go to this gathering with
Jade and let other men talk to her and
like that they might that she might
choose these men for future marriages
right some possessive stuff yes cuz he's
like no I've decided I don't think I
want to share her I think she is mine um
Theo gets a message from one of his
contacts in the mercenary World who's
been helping him look into like how Jade
got on the planet and all this stuff and
the message is just like there's
treachery treachery really close to you
like contact me ASAP he's like okay I'm
I'm going to get on that but I got to go
to this like stupid Gathering first so
at the Gathering they're all dressed up
and essentially they're like yeah so all
of the husbands you go sit in this area
while all of the eligible men talk to
your partners and you just have to watch
them talk to your wife and then when all
of the men who want to talk to your wife
are done talking to her she can come
back over to
you and Thea's like I [ __ ] hate this
I can appreciate the like matriarchy of
it all
mhm but that does
suck yeah you're like you literally just
have to sit and watch it I'm like man
this is shitty so all of the men are
talking to Jade Theo's just watching it
getting more and more annoyed like one
dude comes up and asks Theo he's like
he's like I'm a scientist tell me about
like inner Species sex and Theo's like
I'd really like to keep the details of
my marriage private and the guy's like
okay I'll just ask her next husband like
like yes is like everyone's like so
[ __ ] shitty
um and a civa like goes up to the's like
how's it going now like it seems like
you've really like been bonding there's
been some updates like and he's like I
don't want her to leave me I want her to
stay with me indefinitely like I really
think she is my person then I said was
like do you think she's your
mate and he's like I don't I I wouldn't
go like that far um do we even have
those anymore yeah he's like that's just
like a thing of yester year and like no
um he's and she's like you seem like
real possessive and he's like I finally
got one kind right right um and then
he's like but I want to ask her to stay
with me more than just the three months
more than just like extending that like
but like long term um and Jade has
already been coming to those conclusions
on her own as well but hasn't had that
conversation with him so like aiva goes
up to Jade and is like so how's it going
like not going to tell you everything my
brother just told me but like you into
it yeah EXA
um and Jade is like I want to see if
Theo will like let me stay with him blah
blah blah blah blah um and then
aiva is like oh have you noticed his
like eyes changing colors at all and
Jade's like yeah super freaky how they
flash black right and like aiva just has
like look of shock on her face because
that is something that happens when it's
a true mate oh yes so was like like my
suspicions were correct like this is my
brother's thank you yes mates are still
[ __ ] um and
so after AA and like J having that
conversation and aa's like shocked
because she like holy [ __ ] this is a
real thing zorus walks up [ __ ] zorus
and is talking to Jade see maybe a
little like not so
good I don't know Hannah we'll have to
find out we're almost at the end of the
book you'll find out soon I got some
skevy feelings from him from the jump
why did you um gesture to your
pelvis hand was so low you're like I got
some skevy feelings from him I was like
I have a lot of questions I meant like
in my belly like gut like a gut
feeling I don't know man doesn't feel
good in my veg like that was the energy
not in my Coter but like in my
gut my C is telling me this is not a
situation oh my
God oh my
God like that hand motion was real low I
got some questions what What secrets are
in your pelvis do we need to go back to
the episode of The Haunted
vagina maybe another day not
today okay so zorus approaches
and starts trying to hit on Jade and
Jade is just like shutting it down right
um and like he makes some comment about
how like she'll be his in a future like
like something like that and Jade just
like laughs in his face but Theo looks
over sees like zorus has put like his
hand on her and she's laughing and gets
like insanely jealous insanely
possessive like goes up like hits zorus
and takes her and he's like we're
[ __ ] leaving and just like throws her
in the Pod and they start heading back
to the house and on the way back he's
like you're mine no man can ever talk to
you if any other man ever tries to talk
to you I'll [ __ ] lock you up so you
can never talk to another man again and
she's like you cannot tell me who to
talk to also I don't even want to talk
to zorus but on principal you can't tell
me who to talk to mind your own business
and he's like like like hell I can't
tell you who to talk to she's like what
is happening and so as they're like
getting back to the house she's like you
need to off like let's take some time
yeah she's like I'm going to go inside
you go on a
run come back when you're feeling a
little bit better now so he apparently
goes on a run and just runs until he's
like completely depleted himself she
goes into the house and it's just like
I'm going to go hang with the dog chill
that was weird um hopefully we can have
a real conversation about this when he
comes back and she hears the front door
open a while later and she's like oh
he's back and then sibo starts like
growling and she's like oh that that's
him and um do you remember the security
guard that she punched at the start of
the book right he show oh I was like is
it going to be zorus like OB love you
the K in there as well zorus whatever
well like zorus better because zorus is
actually a far better name the book I
just finished last night had a
dorcus and so I just was like
zorus watching Pete DAV 's bup kiss on
peacock yeah what a Vibe of a show yeah
he has his like virtual reality
augmentation augment no what word am I
going for here his the VR his VR glasses
virtual reality glasses sure augmented
reality is that what I was thinking
maybe what am I trying to communicate
here whatever he the very very start of
buiss like within like 10 minutes the
first episode he has his VR goggles on
he's watching porn made for his VR
goggles he starts masturbating his mom
comes downstairs to drop off his laundry
and right as he comes his mom is
standing there and he comes on his mom
like Seaman shoots out and she just
looks down she's like well going to
throw this back in the laundry and she
just turns and walks out of the room I
was like I wasn't
no prepared for that to be the energy
you can't come back from
that if it's your mom you kind of have
to don't you if it's your mom how do
you yeah it didn't really seem to face
them ultimately well perhaps it should
boundaries are different from family to
family that is the truest [ __ ] and I
know we've talked about this before but
like all of the things that you think
are normal in your family until you
start dating someone and bring them into
your family and they're
like what
yeah it's like the glass shattering and
you're like oh oh this isn't how
everyone else operates mhm cool now I
know okay so homeboy the security
guard um he comes to kidnap
her and we do learn he works for zorus
you were right not to be confused with
orcus yes um that's in the
so she fights does not win he takes her
to an undisclosed location Theo gets um
back from his run right as aiva and
zikas are getting to the house and
like Jada is your mate and he's like
what are you talking about and they're
like your eyes have changed colors which
is a sign of mating you wouldn't know
because you can't see see and Jade
didn't understand the significance so
she didn't recognize what that meant
either and but then as is also like when
you punched zorus the um it's like
almost like tattoo markings that show up
on your wrist and fingers she's like
those flashed on your she's like I saw
the markings on your hands Jade is your
[ __ ] mate bro um and he's like oh my
God that would explain all of the crazy
possessiveness because apparently until
you like claim your mate like you can
get more and more amped and
escalated and so
um he's like this makes so much sense I
need to go tell Jade he walks in and
sees like things are broken in the house
and she's clearly been taken and he's
like I'm a mercenary this is what I've
made for it's a real Liam n moment yes
yeah I have a very specific set of
skills yeah
right but also so accurate yeah yeah
he's I will find you yep he's like I'm
going to go and find you and get my wife
back yeah um so then cut to
zorus Jade is um like lock like she's
like restrained in a chair we
essentially get zor's villain speech he
has I love a villain monologue though
right yeah well so we learned he has
been abducting females from planets for
a long time trying to to solve the
issues of Extinction that are like
happening on their planet and he also
was like man humans and clinians are
super similar he's like I wonder how
much crossover we have so we learned
that like humans descended from clinians
oh yes Allah the ancient aliens on the
History Channel have you ever watched
that show I have not well you should
because it's amazing like anything
anything they're like aliens did it
doesn't matter what it is doesn't matter
what it's about they're like obviously
humans could not be that advanced aliens
and then they'll be like well how did we
evolve from um from an ape or a monkey
aliens did it they spliced our DNA
obviously it's a it is amazing real show
it's a real show on the History Channel
ancient aliens look it up it's excellent
is it satirical not at all like they
look at like like uh like Hindu and even
Christian and other religions like lore
essentially and they're like oh they
said there was like a battle in the sky
and like there were Chariots of the Gods
in the sky aliens did it it's like
couldn't have been somebody's
imagination or a storm
aliens did it it's
amazing was your takeaway after watching
it that aliens did do
it my takeaway was the same I had no
takeaway there was nothing nothing
changed for me because the answer is I
don't know like who knows but they have
so much confidence like that's what got
me it was so much confidence where they
were like obviously aliens like no one
their answer they're like we've got this
covered right aliens they're like
indigenous tribes talking like being
able to track the Stars they couldn't
have been like smart aliens did it like
that's the only solution they never
could have
known okay aliens right couldn't be that
someone with a modum of intelligence
looked at the sky and was like huh and
tracked it nope a
aliens it sounds
satirical it does and it feels that way
when I watch it but the people like the
the guests or contributors or whatever
you want to call it they seems so
serious like it doesn't feel like a
joke well zorus also isn't
joking fair enough so zorus has like
discovered that like humans descended
from clinians and he's like there's a
lot of cross over so he's been like
stealing human women and keeping them
locked up and like essentially trying to
prevent extinction by artificially
inseminating all of these women like
doing like science
experiments he is the one that she
sprayed in the woods nice and he's like
if those aliens had done a better
job I we wouldn't have had to go through
all this he's like I would have just
locked you up
initially um and she's like oh this is
not great but she also knows zorus as
like super attracted to her and so she
um Works her skills of Seduction and is
kind of
like okay well instead of artificially
inseminating me I know on this planet
like um when a female orgasms
essentially like cenan women can't have
sex again for like 24 hours um because
their body is kind of like trying to
like keep everything in to them the best
chance of reproduction that they can
have and so Theo had also been amazed
that Jade could
[ __ ] repeatedly and he's like oh you
don't need to wait no refractory yes hey
but like for like women on their Planet
it's like a 24hour
refractory yeah not super relevant um
but Jade is all is essentially like well
if I would have a better chance of like
if you're you're trying to impregnate me
wouldn't the chances would be better if
you actually had sex with me and I could
orgasm versus like artificially inating
me and zorus is like you're right I'll
let you out of these restraints and
Jade's like you're a [ __ ] idiot right
um but
also zorus had promised security guard
dude with the Shiner a turn with her and
so she's like please don't give me to
anyone else he's like I won't you're
just with me and then the security guard
like realizes This and like he and zor
get into a fist fight she tries to take
off zorus did not win that fist fight
with the security guard the security
guard goes off after her he is like
about to attack her after he caught her
Theo has found her there are details on
how Theo found her they don't matter he
her um but she does pass out again from
all of the exertion exertion of it all
um when she comes to it's like aa's in
the room because she did ask Theo she
like told Theo she's like there's a lot
of other women here you need to like
help save all of them and he's like okay
I will so he's helping like save like it
was predominantly human women but a like
females from a lot of different species
um I want to say like it was at least
like like 10 to 15 women like kind of
like yeah it was a lot of them yeah so
he was dealing with that she was at the
doctor passed out they were trying to
make sure she was
okay um she is pregnant with a baby in
the epilog we find out it's a
girl what and that's pretty much How It
Ends and
then her and Theo are true mates and she
decides she's going to stay on the
planet and not leave after a
year and then she meets his
siblings how do they like this may not
be relevant and it may may not matter
but like how do they like know true
mates like is it just the eye color do
they like cuz a lot of
like Omega verse or shifter or whatever
there's like a bite involved or there's
some kind of Mark that appears do you
remember Rebecca's and nettis is it dark
protectors where like the mark like
appeared on their hands it felt most
similar to that to me it was like I
think the initial telling is you see
their eyes changing colors once again
Jay didn't know right so like she wasn't
aware that that was related because and
he couldn't see it and he couldn't see
it and she only saw it in moments when
he was like losing
control um but then I think the markings
had shown up
involuntarily on his wrist and like
shown up but didn't stay cuz he hadn't
accepted the mating ful yet but when he
punched zorus AA had seen them and was
like oh [ __ ] those are true Mark like
true mating marks true mate
markings nailed it there we go yep I
knew what you meant you did um but then
as soon as like he realized she was his
mate and accepted it the marking stayed
permanently but because Jade is a human
she wouldn't experience that on her get
the marks right right which I did
appreciate that they didn't like they
weren't like yeah and then she had the
markings too and you're like the [ __ ]
like how yeah like I could see
potentially like if you were that
invested or whatever and it was possible
like finding a tattoo artist to do it
for you probably not on gania because
they on those yeah although I do Wonder
cuz I was like well would people rever
those markings on Theo where they hated
the rest of his markings because
M like the that they're the first true
mates in like 150 years oh wow yeah it's
been like a long time so like everyone
thought it was just like folklore at
that point um and then to find out that
there actually was a true mate situation
yeah I haven't read any of the other
books in the series yet I'm sure I will
at some point it's a very easy read it's
a fun read yeah um
it it won't change your
life but it's a fun read yes yeah yeah I
could see it being kind of like a like
a I don't know like a a small dessert at
the end of the meal where it's not like
it's the end of the day and you're tired
and it's sweet and easy but it's not
anything that's like ah that was good I
was just going to say like it was a
comfort read sure like I could see it
being more of that I don't know why I
made that so
no I really liked that whole journey but
I was like I feel like we're saying like
the same thing where you're just kind
like yeah it's easy at the like it
doesn't take a lot of brain power um
it's a quick read I think it's like
under 400 Pages like okay 350 375
something like that but like I'm pretty
sure I read it in a day day and a half
sort of situation where you you can get
through it pretty quickly mhm and it
doesn't take a lot of brain power but
it's still a very
enjoyable Journey like I imagine I will
read other books in the series in the
future I just had other series that I
was like already in yeah well I feel
like there have been so many books
recently where like I was waiting for
like the next book to drop then several
of them dropped at
once yeah and so then I was like okay
I'll come back to the series but it also
doesn't feel like a series that like you
have to plow through it's also I think
each book in the series is a standalone
so you I like
yeah well and also like I find sometimes
with Comfort reads like that like I
prefer to stick with the series as much
as I can because it is comforting
whereas like even switching to another
potential Comfort series you still have
to get used to like the story line even
though the story line is probably
recycled it's like you know well hell I
felt that way um cuz I know we both had
just read like Megan Quinn's Vancouver
agitators series and I read the whole
thing and I was like you know I'm on a
Megan Quinn cick I can read more oh just
go for it but then like the next one I
started was like the first book in the
can Brother series and I was like [ __ ]
man got to learn all these new
characters but then I'm like oh it's the
same yeah but it's new
characters and there is crossover in a
lot of her books and like references and
like um cuz the second book and the cane
Brothers series I just finished that one
with Kelsey yeah so not meant to to be
what girl I'm we were I just saw it when
I was updating my good reads you're like
not a meat cute so not meant to be um
with like the Harry Met Sally style like
podcast interviews that Kel did yeah
yeah yeah but how all of those were just
like characters from other books so like
podcast interview yeah I was like oh
that's such a cute way to kind of
introduce those characters it was also
funny cuz I was like did I read that one
and there were definitely more than I
read I realized I like man I was like
wait a second all of their names blend
but all right all that said what's our
rating damn it no I was going to ask
first well I'm
tattoos baths I was going to say baths
bubble baths eggs I do love
eggs the shape or the food or the food
they're like my favorite
food what yeah I don't think I've ever
heard I don't think I've ever asked
anyone what their favorite food is
before and they've just been like
eggs like are you talking scrambled are
you talking setting set up are you
talking within a cake it doesn't matter
like I will eat eggs every day
sure I have not met an egg preparation
that I was like n not
salad depends on the egg salad I'm a
little picky about egg salad deviled
I'm picky about deviled eggs but
generally like eggs on their own that
have not been like huh manipulated I
feel like I just learned so much about
you we can do eggs I feel like that is
obvious I don't feel like that I no I
think that's the problem this book
doesn't have like an obvious like
there's not a standout for me like it it
I liked the plot like it was cute but
like there's not like a this yeah this
is it
um yeah let's go eggs okay let's go with
a dozen eggs as not that's not my final
just like out of 12 is Right I'd
say I'd say like eight like seven or
eight 7.5 eggs seven and a half out of
12 seven eggs and a
fair enough right like yeah I would
write it above just like an app like cuz
six would be half right I think it's
more than that like it really is
enjoyable it's fun it's not one that the
whole time you're reading you're like I
just need to get the [ __ ] through this
cuz I cannot do this
um it's not changing lives as we said
it's like a very just like easy
thoughtless you can just kind of like
get through it you're like oh that was
nice and then you move on to the next
one right um and no offense to anyone if
you're like but that's my favorite book
it really did change my life tell me
more i' love to hear how this book
changed her life it just wasn't
necessarily that for me and for me I was
like oh yeah this was easy this was fun
this was
cute and on to the next I think was more
my experience I mean like it followed a
few tropes yeah that were comfortable
like it wasn't like the story at any
point took like a sudden turn or
anything um like our last one where
people were just showing up out of
nowhere and there was no context for it
like this was very like yes predictable
but not in a
boring way yeah I think that's a really
great way to word it it's like there was
nothing that you're like wow really
didn't see that coming like cuz the
whole time they're like alluding to
someone was trying to get her there for
nefarious reasons we don't know why but
like she was clearly smuggled onto the
planet um were you super surprised that
it was zorus not really
um did he pay the other aliens to abduct
her her and the other humans was that
like the yeah okay so the thing with the
she was like oh so you asked them to
like kidnap me or abduct Me or however
you want to say it and he was like well
he's like technically not you I just
gave them the parameters for what I was
looking for and they chose
you so like he'd been doing this for a
while yeah e yeah
um not it's not great yeah yeah not not
great at all so yeah I think like seven
and a
half okay eggs okay seven in a Yol is
where I'm going to land that um I would
agree yeah
yeah I I would recommend reading it and
and I know there are some books that
we're like we read it so you don't have
yeah this book is like just like a super
comforting little like oh it's easy it's
it's predictable but
also fun yeah yeah um I've added it to
my list perfect yeah knowing you you'll
probably read through the rest of the
series before I make it to them um cuz
like I'm pretty impressed with myself
especially for having a a new a newborn
my goal had been 50 books this year
which I was like that feels manageable
yes I'm going to hit 50 before July nice
yeah okay which this episode isn't going
to be released until after that but
still I'm like I'm going to hit 50 I'm
like oh so I'm actually on track for
like probably 100 that's awesome which
is still a lot of books a lot of books
the way in which you and I read books
you're like oh only 100 bucks but I'm
like no [ __ ] man with a baby and a
full-time job that's a lot yeah 1,000%
um okay seven in a Yol let us know what
you would rate the book um can't wait to
hear your thoughts don't forget to like
And subscribe and thanks for joining us
today thanks y'all see you later smut
[ __ ] bye smut puppies we still really
should figure out which one cuz we just
keep committing to we do okay bye
bye well that's it for this week's mutl
[ __ ] we hope it was good for you cuz it
sure was great for us if you're digging
what we're doing it would mean a lot if
you'd take a minute to rate and review
the show wherever you're listening right
now maybe tell that sexy someone to lend
us an ear we love you we appreciate you
and we'll see you next week stay